Hello,We understand that you may have sent a number of unnecessary emails to buyers. Sellers on Amazon.com are not allowed to send emails unrelated to order fulfillment and customer service.If you continue to send inappropriate emails to members of the Amazon.com community, we may not allow you to sell on Amazon.com.To learn more about this policy, search for "Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions" in Seller Central Help.To talk to someone about this email, you can ask our Seller Support team to contact you (https://sellercentral.亚马逊.c ... rmance).Sincerely,
Hello,We understand that you may have sent a number of unnecessary emails to buyers. Sellers on Amazon.com are not allowed to send emails unrelated to order fulfillment and customer service.If you continue to send inappropriate emails to members of the Amazon.com community, we may not allow you to sell on Amazon.com.To learn more about this policy, search for "Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions" in Seller Central Help.To talk to someone about this email, you can ask our Seller Support team to contact you (https://sellercentral.亚马逊.c ... rmance).Sincerely,