大家好,请问大家有没有遇到过产品没有CE认证被亚马逊查了blocked了listing。 然后亚马逊要求我们提供CE认证以及说明书,还要求DOC已经下面这个要求。下面这个要求我们看不懂。。有遇到的大神可以解释一下我们应该怎么做吗? 万分感谢。 Statement responding to the issue / safety incident, explaining potential root cause and corrective actions that are going to be taken, this should indicate that the supplier understood the concern, it should be relevant to the incident, explain why the product should be reinstated despite the identified safety/compliance issue or explain what has been changed in order to make the product safe/compliant. Please explain the missing CE mark and the missing manual.
Statement responding to the issue / safety incident, explaining potential root cause and corrective actions that are going to be taken, this should indicate that the supplier understood the concern, it should be relevant to the incident, explain why the product should be reinstated despite the identified safety/compliance issue or explain what has been changed in order to make the product safe/compliant. Please explain the missing CE mark and the missing manual.