/wxweditor/lang/zh-cn/zh-cn-zh.js?v=4fff0 /wxweditor/ueditor.config-zh.js?v=6f0d6 /wxweditor/ueditor.config-zh.js?v=6f0d6 Listing被Blocked的原因和解决方法? | 旺销王
刺客使命V 2016/1/6
  • 老肥羊能走多远
    我已经有不下5次的BLOCK LISTING 遭遇了,次数多了,由第一次二次的紧张不安,四处打听,到如今的麻木不仁,哈哈......亚马逊伤我太深,我百毒不侵了....

    1. 仔细看亚马逊给你的邮件,他一定会告诉你,complaint type, 以及以下两种complaint对应的申诉方法,你就对号入座。

    For Authenticity complaints:

    Copies of invoices or receipts from your supplier issued in the last 180 days. These should reflect your sales volume during that time.
    Your supplier's contact information including name, phone number, address, and website.
    Any additional details you would like us to know.
    You can remove pricing information, but make sure the rest of the document is visible. You can send us a pdf, jpg, png, or gif file.
    Please be assured that your distributor’s or supplier’s contact information will remain confidential - Amazon puts great effort in maintaining the confidentiality of our customer's information.

    For all other complaints:

    A plan of action that contains the following:
    What is the issue that caused the complaint.
    Steps you have taken to resolve the issue and ensure similar complaints won't happen again.
    Any additional details you would like us to know.

    不是所有的客诉都是Authenticity complaints哦,所以不是千篇一律的去找发票。

    是其他你认为的other complaints, 就依他的要求去提供

    2. 亚马逊的申诉一定要尽快做,不能拖,你若拖延,亚马逊更拖, 让他们看到你积极处理的态度。

    如果对亚马逊告知的complaint type,有异议,或是摸不着头绪,实在找不出原因,那就老老实实,乖乖地去看这个ASIN的PRODUCT REVIEW吧,把所有的中差评翻出来,一一核对,一一解惑。

    3. 大家都说申诉过程中,态度要好,但是也不要太低声下气吧,business is business, 是错的,我承认,我改正; 若是被误解的,也请理直气壮向他们辩论,因为有时候亚马逊的工作人员也会出错啊,比如FBA订单,旺季时总是发错货,买的手机壳,收到的是DVD, 这种差评,我确实收到过啊.

    所以若是wrong item complaint, 又是FBA ORDER, 那就是被误会冤枉的客诉。不能怪我咯,怪亚马逊咯

    4. 一定要尽快申诉成功,时间太久,那个有好排名好销售的LISTING, 经过两周两月的雪藏,再出江湖时,一定是排名落孙山,等于从新开始,很惨啊.

    5. 在平日里,若有收到差评和negative product review, 也要重视哦, 如果是FBA货,一定要马上核查,这样在BLOCK之时,也可以跟亚马逊说,你在比他这个BLOCK 更早的时间里,就有积极处理客诉了。 Best Customer service 是他们看得重的吧.


    没有经历过的事,你若问我有何问题,我都不知道问题出现在哪里,有什么问题, 恕我愚钝咯