Hello, Your current sales volumes are not supported by buyer feedback or an established sales history. As a result, we are reviewing your Amazon.co.uk seller account. During this review, you may not sell on Amazon.co.uk. Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we review it. If you have any open orders, please ship them. To learn more about account reviews, search for "Velocity Limits and Account Reviews" in Seller Central Help. To talk to someone about this email, you can ask our Seller Support team to contact you (https://sellercentral-europe.a ... rmance). We will send you an email when our review is complete.
Hello, Your current sales volumes are not supported by buyer feedback or an established sales history. As a result, we are reviewing your Amazon.co.uk seller account. During this review, you may not sell on Amazon.co.uk. Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we review it. If you have any open orders, please ship them. To learn more about account reviews, search for "Velocity Limits and Account Reviews" in Seller Central Help. To talk to someone about this email, you can ask our Seller Support team to contact you (https://sellercentral-europe.a ... rmance). We will send you an email when our review is complete.